Socratic Dialogue Springe, Germany 13-18.4.2019

On the first day all participants are divided into several German-speaking groups and one English-speaking group according to their interests. 

The participants work in these groups for the whole time. The common agenda will be translated into English.

Beginnig: 13 of April, 6.00 PM

End: 18 of April, 1.00 PM

Topics and facilitators

  • Ralf Brocker: Mathematisches Thema
  • Klaus Blesenkemper: Was bedeutet es, selbstverantwortlich zu handeln?
  • Hans-Peter Griewatz: Arbeit und Selbstbestimmung - Ist Arbeiten notwendiges Übel oder Teil der Freiheit des Menschen?
  • Unathi Ndlwana: Under What Circumstances is it Right to Disagree?/ Ana Sanz Fuentes: How can I know if I am a reasonable person? (SDs in English)