CANCELED: Socratic Dialogue Springe, Germany 4 - 9 April 2020
Dear participants for the Socratic Dialogues in Springe,unfortunately we have to cancel the Socratic Dialogues in the HVHS Springe (April 4-9).
We took this decision in line with the precautions that are being taken everywhere to contain the expansion of the Covid-19 Virus.
Participation fees and advance payments that are already paid will be refunded
as soon as possible. We hope for your understanding for this decision that was not an
easy one to take for us - the chairs and people responsible at PPA,
GSP, and SFCP.
On the first day all participants are divided into several German-speaking groups and one English-speaking group according to their interests.
The participants work in these groups for the whole time. The common agenda will be translated into English.
Beginnig: 4 of April, 6.00 PM
End: 9 of April, 1.00 PM

Topics and facilitators
- Dirk Jöst: Sokratisches Gespräch über physikalische Beobachtungen
- Klaus Blesenkemper: Welchen Sinn hat Scheitern für unser Leben?
- Gisela Raupach-Strey: Bedeutet Meinungsfreiheit, dass meine Meinung keiner Begründung bedarf?
- Ralf Brocker: Mathematical Topic (SD in English)
- Anu Virtanen: What can we learn from being bored? (SD in English)