Socratic Dialogue Würzburg, Germany 21-24 February 2020

Traditional Socratic meeting in Würzburg during the popular Carnival Weekend.

On the first day all participants are divided into several German-speaking groups and one English-speaking group
according to their interests. The participants work in these groups for the whole time. The common agenda will be translated into English.

Beginnig: 21 of February, 6.00 PM

End: 24 of February, 1.00 PM

Topics and facilitators

  • Mechthild Goldstein: Mathematisches Thema

  • Veit Siegmund: Was heißt, im Einklang mit sich selbst zu sein?

  • Volker Rendez: Wie viel Veränderung beim anderen dürfen wir verlangen?

  • Christiane Stüber : Wann ist es gut zu verzichten?

  • Vander Lemes: To what extent must I do something? And why? (SD in English)